IK2DDR antenna

8877 P.A.









  1. Hello guys, my name is Francesco and i live on Lake Garda,Italy.My QTH LOCATOR is JN55GN. My first hobby is Ham Radio and i'm licensed since 1983.I'm married with Marinella,IK2CDI and we have 2 sons,IVAN (27 years) and Roberto (22 years).I do moonbounce activity since 1991,when in october 21st ,i worked my first station using the Moon as a passive reflector.Untill,never see or hear something about moonbounce. Maybe was this reason,which gave me a so great satisfaction,working Tobbe,SM5FRH.My first eme set-up,was 2X18 Elements,CUSHCRAFT 4218XL,with MGF1302 and a simple 4CX250B,as power amplifier.After some others eme qso i decided to improve my signal,passing to a 3CX800A7.About 3db more respect the previous amplifier.Not so bad.With these conditions,i worked about 80 stations on eme,but however,when you like this hobby, i found some reasons for improve the array.I made my first qso with new 4X18 Elem. 4.8 W.L. on July '95 and in this case the improvement was really great,i created the possibility to work with some succes also on random.After about 8 years, another important change,since the beginning of may 2003, my antenna is a 4X19LLY (I3DLI -7,75 m long), which replaced, my old system.The first impression,about this antenna, is really fantastic, much less noise,respect the yagi system and a very nice situation on receiving on eme.My score on 144 MHZ MOONBOUNCE (cw) is as follow: DXCC=72 WAS=41 INITIALS=#476
  2. I know,i can work also single yagi stations,if them are running 600-700W,or 2 yagis stations with 400-500 Watts,or 4 yagis stations with 250-300 watts.Are you betweeen those categories? If so,you can send me an e-mail and ask me a 2m eme schedule.
  3. Good Luck on eme!